A great welcome to everyone who takes a few minutes to visit my blog, and hope you will return. I started off scrapbooking, but making cards soon overtook and I really enjoy seeing the end results. I enjoy blog hopping to see the wonderful creations from other crafters, there really are some talented, friendly people out there.

My Crafty Followers

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Another Blogger Award!

Hi All

Thanks so much Aud for your kind stylish blogger award.  I'm such a lucky crafter having received two awards in the past month, and have only been blogging for nearly 2 months.  It's so nice to see that there are such kind people out their who take the time to look and appreciate your work.

Step 1 - Make a post linking back to the person who gave you the award!
Step 2 - Share 7 random things about yourself
Step 3 – Award 15 recently discovered bloggers with this award
Step 4 – Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won the award


Well, I work full time, have a wonderfully considerate husband and a loving son and daughter in law. I am soon to become a Nan, which I am so looking forward to. I have a lovely father and sister. I started card making about 3-4 years ago by accident, and I absolutely love it. I go into my own little world and time passes by so quickly. It takes away all the stresses of work.  I'm so sorry Audm but I just haven't got enough time to pass this onto 15 so here's 5 below

I am passing this award onto:-
http://craftingdiary.blogspot.com/ - Melissa Latcham
http://catherineshandmadecards/. - Catherine
http://maryscardworld.blogspot.com/ - Mary B
http://craftinghelen.blogspot/.  -  Helen
http://mishel2701.blogspot/ - Michelle

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